Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Our Love Story

SO I haven't been blogging much lately (life is crazy!), BUT I definitely wanted to make time to post a Valentine's Day Love type post! So I am linking up and answering some fun love questions!

1. How long have you and your significant other been together?
Kevin and I just celebrated our 4 year "together" anniversary in November. So technically, 4 years 3 months:)

2. How did you meet? {What's your "love" story?}
Kevin and I met my Junior year of high school, his Sophmore year in our Algebra 2, math class! Our math teacher had a card (from a normal deck of cards) taped to each desk in his classroom, and every couple of weeks we would switch seats. He would have us line up, and then go through the deck and whatever card he pulled out of his hand, we found the matching card on the desk and that is where we sat! Kevin and I sat together at the same table in December 2005, and there began our many giggly, flirty, silly conversations, which eventually (2 years later) led to our romance.

3. If married, how long have you been married? If not, is this the guy you hope to marry? {do tell}
We have been married for 8 months on Friday! Time is flying by so quickly I can hardly believe our 1 year anniversary is just *months* away!! Crazy!

4. If you are married, where did you get married at? Big or small wedding? If not, where would you like to get married? And will it be big or small?
Definitely had a big wedding! IF you know me, you know that I love big, and had been dreaming about my wedding since I was a little girl! We have around 175 people for our ceremony at a church in Watsonivlle, CA and then a reception at an ourdoor site on a Bed and Breakfast property, The Sand Rock Farm. It was the most magical day of my life, and I wish I could relive it! Check out the website: It's gorgeous!!
5. Do you have any nick-names that you call one another? Do share!
Yes! I call Kevin, 'Cub' or 'Cubby' which is what his littlest brother called him when he couldn't say Kevin! Also we both call each other love, lovie, babe, lover. When we were first dating we decided to come up with nicknames for each other, and he called me 'baby girl' so that has always been around also.
6. Name 3 things you love most about your honey.
I made a '52 Things I Love' deck of cards (pinterest idea) for Valentine's Day so I have been thinking a lot about the things I love most about him.
I would say, he is the most determined man I know and such a hard worker.
He does anything and everything to make ME happy, even if it means sacraficing his own needs or wants.
And he is genuinely my best friend, that one person who I can always count on.
7. Tell us how he proposed? Or your ideal proposal?
I LOVED his proposal to me! It was such a 'Kevin' proposal. It was a week before our 3 year dating anniversary, and I knew that the proposal was coming because we had already began looking for wedding venues and such! But, I had no idea it was the night that he did it. He basically led me on a scavenger hunt! It started at my house, and he left clues, and a rose at each note. All the notes were in places that had special meaning to us, so for example our first kiss was in my driveway by his truck so he left one out there. Another was in the cook book section on a bookshelf because I had done a lot of cooking for him! There were about 12 clues, and one of the last ones had me drive all the way out to a lumber yard, where we first told each other that we loved each other in the bed of his truck, and I saw his truck expecting him to be inside, but it wasn't him! It was his brother who gave me one of the last clues! So shocking at that point. The last clue led me to his backyard, where we had our very first romantic Valentines date- and there were another dozen roses, and twinkly lights put in throughout the trees and a fire going. There was a long love note that I read, and then I saw Kevin come out from the backdoor and he was wearing a nice collered shirt, and I knew what was coming at this point. He told me he loved me and then got down on one knee, and I just started crying and crying. He gave me the ring and we were just so happy. That was one of the BEST nights of my life, and I will never forget that feeling. I think one of my favorite parts about that night was that after we had called everyone and seen everyone, we went back to his backyard and just sat by the fire and talked. Talked about the propsal, the wedding plans, and just about how happy we were. Definitely a great night.  (sorry if that was sort of long!)
8. Is he a flowers and teddy bear kind of guy for v-day, or strawberries, champagne, and rose petals?
 Definitely a flowers and teddy bear! I love flowers, and even though I have only one real teddy bear that I have kept from him- he knows that it will make me smile!
9. Are you a sunset dinner on the beach kind of girl, or pop a movie in and relax on the couch?
I would say a pop in movie and relax on the couch. Especially because Kevin will more often than not rub my feet if we are sitting on the couch!
10. Tell us one thing you'd like to do with your significant one day. If you could do anything? Go anywhere?
We want to go on many more vacations and see the world! We don't want kids right away, so we can have 'alone' time for the time being. And in that time I so want to go places, and see things! The only real vacation we have had was our honeymoon to Hawaii, and after that I want to see more! We are currently thinking about a cruise to Mexico!
11. Tell us what you plan on doing on this Valentine's Day.
Kevin has to work at 10pm that night:(Boo! So we are doing more of an afternoon type date! But we are going to dinner at this Italian restaurant Kevin made reservations for, going to see The VOW (I'm excited!) and then having dessert at home. Kevin might have something else up his sleeve, but I am not sure!
12. Are you asking for anything this Valentine's day?
Um, not specifically. I have been mentioning small things that I would like (a giraffe throw blanket, a pink Camel water bottle) but nothing huge. I think we both decided that the more 'expensive' gifts are going to be for our anniversary. It's more of a special day that only he and I share!
13. Give us one piece of advice of keeping a relationship strong and full of love.
I saw this quote when we had been dating for a few years and I really loved it, "Love me when I least deserve it, because that is when I need it the most." I thought that was a really good way to think. When you are angry with your spouse is the time that they need your love the most. Forgivness is a huge thing in marriage, and also somthing that we do because we know every relationship needs it is a DATE night! It's not always expensive or huge, but once a week, the same day or time every week, we plan to just do something the two of us. This gives us time to catch up, communicate, and just remembver why we love each other!
14. Show us a picture of what love means to you.

I couldn't pick just one, but all three of these pictures show love to me. My husband loves me so much, and I love him WAY more! ha. Our wedding day, our engagmnet pictures, and the night we got engaged are all amazing memories of the love we have for each other! I love that man more than ever! And I am so so so happy to be his forever! Love you Kev!

I hope everyone has a great Valentine's Day!!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Bet Ya Didn't Know!

I admit, blogging does take up a considerable amount of time, and since school has started I have not had as much time. Which makes me sad, but I am determined to find the time!!

Since this blog is relatively new, here are some things I bet you didn't know about me!!

1. I finished Culinary School before I changed my major to become an elementary school teacher.

2. I have one sister, and one brother, both who are younger than me.

3. I am OBSESSED with taking pictures! No event is too big or too small for a photo opportunity. My husband doesn't always enjoy this quality, but he deals with it nicely. Ha!

4. I L.O.V.E country music! It's my fav!

5. I never missed a football game my husband (he was my boyfriend/ fiance at the time) played in college, and only missed one game while he played in high school!

6. I am DYING for a puppy to add to our family. This is sort of a complicated decision, because in order to have one we would have to move since our current apartment doesn't allow animals. BUT- I won't let something as simple as that stop me!!

7. I LOVE crafts. I am constantly on the look out for a new project I can be working on. And because of this I am dabbling in the thought of opening my own Etsy shop! We will see.

8. I am a very happy person! I'm the glass is half full, grass is fine where we are, loving life, energetic, fun loving, bubbly girl! Not that I don't have my moments- but you get the idea!

9. My absolute favorite show ON the planet is by far Gilmore Girls. Always has been, always will be, nothing will change that. I have every season and watch them over and over (not kidding) endlessly.  I have memorized so much of the episodes, that everything that happens in real life can be compared to Gilmore Girls. It's my favorite!!!
             **One of my favorite scenes is 'TOfurkey'**  :)

10. Kevin and I were married on June 18, 2011. My favorite day of my life so far!

So there are some things that I bet you didn't know about me (or maybe you did!) that you might find interesting!!

Jackie Nice